Showing posts with label attraction marketing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label attraction marketing. Show all posts

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Network Marketing Success in 3 Steps

Network Marketing Success in 3 Steps

While searching for the “Holy Grail”, the Magic Pill and Inside Secrets to network marketing success we discovered, without exception, that all major six-figure, multiple six-figure and even mind boggling 7-figure income earners had all embrace the same proven three-step success model:
  • Connect with people
  • Direct people to a simple presentation
  • Follow up to collect a decision
That’s it. So while everyone seems to build their business differently – dig deeper – and you’ll find they are all doing the same exact things! Three steps. Connect. Direct. Enroll.
The BOTTLE NECK in the process for most struggling networks is in the connection process. In other words, once you have run out of “warm market” to present your business to – those people with whom you already have a relationship – now what? Now WHO do you connect with and how do you go about it? And the answer plunks us right smack into the wonder world of marketing which is far to “deep” to address here.
But the good news is there is a proven solution. There is a MAGIC PILL to connecting with people we don’t know. It’s called attraction marketing and you can learn more about the process right here, right now absolutely free… be continued!